DS18_2015/16: Architecture, Energy, Matter 3, Briefs 1 + 2: On the Edge of Entropy

Lindsay Bremner + Roberto Bottazzi

To begin our studio on the Maldives, students were asked to employ computations tools to simulate material behaviours and to develop spatial and temporal sensibilities and intuitions towards dynamic material systems.


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Samples of student work:

1 Iulia Stefan: Simulation of the dynamics of ocean currents and sand movement

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2 Jessica Hillam: Simulation of the turbulence caused by dredging


Jess 2

Jess 3

3. Oscar McDonald: Simulation of pollution along shipping routes

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3 Alice Thompson: Simulation of toxic leaching of e-waste into the ocean

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4 Ben Pollock: Simulation of the wave force on a tetrapod

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For a compilation of videos produced by students to simulate material flows go here.