DS18_2015/16: Architecture, Energy, Matter 3, Brief 3: Global Flows

In the second stage of DS18_2015/16, students mapped an entity – an item, commodity, practice, product, technology or service  – from the scale of the globe – to the scale of where it enters, circulates, and impacts on human and non-human life in the Maldives. This was undertaken as a way of further refining a site and topic for design.


DS18_2015_Brief 3_Global Flows

Samples of student work:


Ben Pollock: Global submarine cable networks


Ben Pollock: Satellite coverage over the Indian Ocean


Alice Thompson: Electronic mining

1400x1057 ALICE2_s

Alice Thompson: Global electronic waste trade

1400x1057 ALICE v_s

Oscar McDonald: Global climate change risk

1400x1057 OSCAR2_s

Jessica Hillam: Climate Change: coastal communities, sea level rise, cyclones and earthquakes

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Jessica Hillam: Coral reefs at risk

1400x1057 JESS 1_s

Iulia Stefan: Global sand trade

1400x1057 IULIA 2_s

Iulia Stefan: Global black market in sand

1400x1057 IULIA 1_s

Tobias Power: Indian Ocean power dynamics

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Calvin Sin: Transboundary aerosols over South Asia

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SIN_Global Flows_17s

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Chirag Desai: Global cement production

DESAI_Global Flows_4s

DESAI_Global Flows_5s

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Ben Pollock: Cellular and submarine cable networks


Jessica Hillam: Dredging and land reclamation

594x2100 JESS_s

Seetul Ghattaora: Direct and connecting flights to Male


For more images of maps produced by DS18 students in 2015/16, go to  the final exhibition page here.

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